The External Advisory Board (EAB) is responsible for monitoring the quality of the project. The role of the EAB includes:

  • advising the consortium regarding scientific direction, performance and results;
  • participating in the project events also as stakeholders, and providing feedback to the Consortium;
  • helping to disseminate the project results.


The project benefits from an external advisory board of high excellence. The members are:

Juan-Carlos Ciscar

Senior expert, Coordinator of Climate Change Economics, Economics of Climate Change, Energy and Transport (ECCET) Unit, Joint Research Center, Seville (ES), European Commission.



Anne Olhoff

Head of Programme, Climate Resilient Development, UNEP DTU Partnership, Copenhagen (DK).




David N. Bresch

Professor for Weather and Climate Risks at the Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich and MeteoSwiss.